These works are inspired by dreams and visions, which in turn have often been inspired by the photographs I have taken. In some cases they are inspired by the events or emotions I experienced when I was there, using the camera. There are other times however, when such visions have been born out of other events, such as a forewarning, the sixth sense going into overdrive. And in these cases I find it cathartic to sort through my back catalogue and choose images to make sense of it.
Some of these works are a meditation on the human condition. Again, I may have been looking at an image and then I find I am musing on something that I find the image is telling me and a deeper meaning reveals itself. A few words get jotted down and then the next thing I know is that it has turned into an epic, as some of these works can be four or five pages long.
I have learnt over time that it is essential I have a notebook with me. I keep one by my bedside as it is not unknown for me to wake up in the night with poetry rattling around in my brain. I have to jot it down then as it has just gone in the morning and I cannot remember it. During the day words will come to me and they go in the notebook as well. They often marry up with an image later.
It seems as though the brain is still working even when you think you are not thinking about it! The important thing to do is to just let it flow, not question it, just write it down. The connections will come through later.
From The
In-Between Worlds
Photobook Collection
Shelley Turner
It was here my heart split open
Cracked open in grief
I knew that nothing would ever be the same
No use turning over a new leaf
Rather it was time to embrace the sacred
Let the shivering light entrance my senses
Revealing a brief glimmer of the otherworld
That I always knew was there
I see flowers on the walls in your citadel
And flowers carpeting the ground
You surround me with your beauty
Waiting until my inner walls fall down
I know the way into your citadel now
Its still me but now a different day
You were locked up in my fortress with me
I just had to see you in a new way
So I am in-between here now
This is where it all began
Where I could at last see your face
Where I no longer ran
Photography and Poetry
By Shelley Turner
Set Me Free
Set Me Free
The world will never cage my mind
I will always fly free
As the birds I so love
All I need is the air I breathe
And the food I eat
Even this I would forgo
If I could live on your love alone
To share your compassion
And show the way with kindness
You gifted me with your five wounds
An empathy of pain
But also of acceptance
That truth is not easy
That you might have to choose
To live your life on your own
We are all creatures of nature
We come from the same source
Divine in its beauty
Breathtaking in its design
Set on its course
Helping each other navigate through life
Creates a chain reaction
Of love and less remorse
Photography and Poetry By Shelley Turner
Stained Glass Window of St. Francis of Assisi
St. Mary's Church, Eastbourne, Sussex, UK.