Sacred Encounters
Over the course of a year, I spent a lot of time with a particular tree. I called him the Christ Tree, because the visual correlation to me was obvious. The poems and images on this page are a selection of encounters and conversations that enabled me to find my way after a very difficult time in my life. So often inspiration comes from an unexpected source and I was wandering around this area recalling how I spent time here with a close member of my family, trying to put things in perspective and not really succeeding very well, when the light literally changed and I turned and saw this figure crucified on a tree.
I had walked here before, many times, and had never seen it before. But on this day something changed, and I did see it. I went on to photograph it many times, in different times of the day, conditions and times of the year. The inspirations and conversations I gleaned from these encounters was remarkable. The tree was like a conduit, enabling me to listen to a deeper voice that guided, comforted, was harsh when it was required, all to enable me to see and understand how I could go forwards. I was talking to a Master after all.
I kept taking images, an awareness letting me know that this vision might not always be there in this form as nature and the elements change our landscape constantly. I treasured the atmosphere there and shared a special time. And as I predicted, things gradually changed, myself included, and although the tree is still there, the presence is not as strong. Added to this the weather and climate has changed the outlook of the tree as time has moved on. I carried on for as long as possible hoping that I would be able to recreate my encounters in the form of pieces of work that showed how much this experience meant to me.
This area is special for many reasons as it forms part of the landscape around where the famous Long Man of Wilmington, a vast chalk figure depicted on the South Downs of England, is very much part of the sacredness of the area, along with the Church and Priory ruins. The Christ Tree was not the only shining soul that I have met there, and the poems and images below also feature some of the other beautiful trees in this wonderful landscape.

They come for me now
While I wait in this garden
But although I am afraid
In a sense I have already gone
A kiss will betray me and my suffering will fill the cup
As my empathy turns to agony
Fear assails me despite what I know
Suddenly I find I do not want to go
I did not expect such love to find me
Mortality has a high price to be paid
Can my love be bought for thirty pieces of silver
You know in your heart it cannot
Love can quickly turn to anger
Disappointment turns hurt into betrayal
But does it make you feel any better
The truth hits harder than any nail
But what remains is the love that I leave
And like this earth will always renew
The human heart will not stop loving
And in this way we will all prevail
Photography and Poetry by Shelley Turner
It Is Finished

It Is Finished
Now I am set free
My mortality gifted in trust
A leap of faith into the void
Eternity waits beyond the abyss
My blood and breath have gone from me
But I am more than just a man on a tree
My passion is spent
My journey nearly complete
I have cracked open the sky
And a new age begins
It will be with you
Despite your sins
There is no going back
And I know I must treasure this time
As there is now only forwards
And to love you was my dearest wish
It makes it easier to now approach fate
And my death with only a traitor's kiss
Photography and Poetry by Shelley Turner

I am leaving this body
As it serves me no more
I have experienced such love and pain
With paradox lancing my side
But I would not have changed my life
My heart was full of foresight and such despair
To be with you has been my greatest joy
And also my greatest sorrow
But now my spirit surrounds you all
And fills you with the warmth you will know
My promise is my shining light
That will always be there for you
Seek me out and ask for me
And you will know me even in a crowd
Nothing changes now you see
I can travel faster than sound
I am the light that is everywhere
And I will not be bound
I am above your head and on the ground
I am right beside you and in your mind
I am you, don't you see
And you and I will always be free
Photography and Poetry by Shelley Turner
Resurrection For A New Day

Resurrection For A New Day
Now I am the eternal green man
Where you found me
The light suddenly changed one day
And you saw me
Now you always see me
And I see you
I have always been here
Waiting for you
It was as simple as that
And so now we can start anew
Now you have realised
Think what you can do
Now you need never be alone
Now you can just call on me
We can have our conversations
Who cares if I am a tree
We can be anywhere
We can be free
You will always find me
Now you can see
Photography and Poetry by Shelley Turner
I Stand

I Stand
I stand
Waiting out the ages
Of man
Wood, bone and stone
Bronze, copper and iron
All I have seen
Waiting out the ages
Of metal and chemicals
Machines faster than a thought
All I have seen
Waiting out the ages
Of man
I stand
Waiting out the ages
Of spirits and lights
Fire and ice
All I have seen
Waiting out the ages
The horizon changes
And I wait no more
Photography and Poetry
By Shelley Turner