Wisdom Of The Trees
In the Early Medieval fourth to tenth centuries the Ogham Alphabet that dates from this time contained the collected lore and wisdom of a select group of trees, and one of those in this Celtic Tree Alphabet is the Yew Tree. There has long been a tradition of yew trees in churchyards, and some of these ancient yews predate the churches they stand guard over. It is apparent that as shown by the Ogham Alphabet, the respect that was held for the yew tree helped in its survival in medieval churchyards, even as pressure grew for the wood of the yew tree to make bows, as the medieval archers wreaked havoc on their opponents as the wars in this period of medieval history gathered pace.
The evergreen nature of the yew tree makes it particularly special to the Christian faith as the ever present green branches is suggestive of the promise of eternal life that Christianity promises, and its known longevity has made it a favourite in the churchyard. Even today it is used to line pathways, stand sentinel at gateways and doorways, and planted as a memorial event.
The most ancient yews in our churchyards have gathered stories and mythology around them over the years, and one such tale is that yew trees will find their way via their roots into the graves and tombs of the churchyard and collect the souls within, with the more gruesome alternative being that they also find a nourishing meal...
Ancient yew trees have a particular character, but they are not the only evergreens in the churchyard; holly, ivy, and box trees often provide a green backdrop to the quintessential English churchyard, but in true gothic manner, it must be remembered that all these plants can be fatally poisonous to humankind and other animals. It would seem that it is only birds who manage to navigate their way into the fruits of these trees and plants to find the seeds within without causing any harm to themselves.
It is not only evergreens that are important in churchyards. Other trees can grow to a great age like the oak and beech, and these trees also play their part in sharing their wisdom. Added to this, in some cases and circumstances, people have planted for their loved ones a favourite tree, be it an apple tree, or some other tree that has special meaning to them, as a special memorial, continuing the tradition of regeneration and renewal.
The images and poems on this page are a celebration of the yew trees and other plants and trees that I have encountered in the places I have visited and was fortunate enough to share their wisdom, often glimpsed with delight when the sun or twilight at certain times of the year highlights exactly why they are situated where they are in relation to the landscape. They come alive with a powerful energy and the result is magical, visually and emotionally.

Alice, Alice, you loved being with the druid trees
When the sun opened up the doorway to the otherworld
Alice, Alice, now you are not alone
Sister and brother, siblings under the trees
Alice, Alice, running through the gateway
Following the sun's rays to the otherworld
Alice, Alice, hold hands with your brother
Never let go, siblings under the trees
Alice, Alice, we will always remember you
As the sun comes back to caress the yews
Alice, Alice, who waited for her brother
Now you will always be two
Photography and Poetry by Shelley Turner
Dedicated to my Brother

Photography and Poetry
By Shelley Turner
The time I come alive
Is in the twilight and the gloom
Wait here long enough
And you might see me
Quivering in the night
Relishing the gathering quiet
And striving with all my might
For my right to thrive
People think trees might slumber
In the soft dark of the night
But come the half light
We dance to a different tune
Flirting with bats and moths
There under a silvery moon
Embrace At Dusk

Photography and Poetry
By Shelley Turner
Embrace At Dusk
As the sun kisses goodbye
I know I will never
Love anybody else like you
What would I do if you left me
Never felt your love warming me
Through and through
In the twilight I remember
How it was before you
How I cried time and again
Nobody to share my life with
It just rained and rained
But now your light embraces me
And I am reassured
You will always find me
Before the night falls
While the last of the light
Still lingers and then fades

Photography and Poetry
By Shelley Turner
We are the maidens
Of the churchyard
And we protect
Your family
And your loved ones
As we can
And as we should
Because we are sisters
And we know about bonds
That can keep you tied
Not always good
But this is not a burden
For us anymore
Our leaves carpet the ground
Keeping you warm
In the winter sun
A sisterly blanket
Fondly laid
And held gently in place
With our roots
In reverent soil
With infinite grace
The Trees Whisper Your Name
The Trees Whisper Your Name
I came back to find you
Because I needed to be reminded
That the trees remembered you
That they still whispered your name
We always said that they knew us
When we stopped here
Enjoying the shifting shadows
On our walks through
The leaves shivered quietly
Letting the light filter down
Then the whispering started
And they said your name
They comforted me with memories
Sharing their love for you
I think you understood them
And they will never forget you

Photography and Poetry
By Shelley Turner
Don't Forget

Photography and Poetry
By Shelley Turner
Don't Forget
Don't forget how the light danced
For you under the trees
Entrancing you always
Stealing you away from me
Sometimes I think you found it
Almost impossible to leave
But we had to part for a while
And you grieved for the trees
Now we have returned
And I can see your eyes glisten
Tears of joy and happiness
To be here again and just listen
The light still dances for you
The trees recognise a kindred spirit
I don't think they will let you go this time
I might have to leave you here
You warned me this would happen
But it's alright I understand
I knew the trees would call you
I'll just let go of your hand