"I heard your prayer" Castiel tells Dean. And sometimes this is all we need to know, that somebody is listening when we call out in need, in the depths of hurt or pain. This is what we need to hear when we know we need to put something right, when we are sorry.
But we also have to believe in what we are asking for. Angels will not appear for our every whim. But let's rewind a little here. This Blog is part two of my thoughts on the series of Supernatural, which I was lucky enough to be gifted the whole Boxed Set earlier on this year for my Birthday. I had planned to upload this Blog a while ago, but 'life' as usual got in the way. As myself and my partner watched the series I made notes as it went along, intending to do updates, but it rapidly became clear that was not going to work. Supernatural and the compelling story arcs meant that we did not stop, we just had to keep going - it wouldn't leave us alone. So we watched all 15 Seasons over a period of three months. But I will re-start this blog at Season Four, because that is when a seismic event happened in the appearance of an Angel..Castiel.
From here in this Blog there are spoilers, in case you haven't watched the show. My last Blog left us at Season Four, when we had watched the first three episodes. The tension was awful, and I said to my partner, "We have to watch episode four, because I cannot stand the thought of Dean being left in Hell." So we sat there and watched Dean clawing his way out of a coffin in the ground...
In The Beginning...
But before Castiel greets Dean, I am going to talk about a pivotal scene in the show, which when you think about it afterwards it gives you a compelling overview of the Creation of The Universe, and how it still keeps on evolving, according to the show, which I found to be not far from own thoughts.
"I heard your prayer" Castiel informs Dean later on in the series, indicating that he has always been there, and had always been. But in this scene that I am discussing, Castiel faces us, the viewer, directly, to tell us his story. In this poignant scene Castiel explains to us how he was there at the Genesis of the Earth, and how important those fish he was watching that crawl their way out of the sea towards the shore on their fins were going to be, as the fins gradually became limbs, then became land dwelling creatures, and so on. The Angels watched over the development of man, along with other species, who were not so lucky as our forebears, who lived for a time and then died out. I found this scene with Castiel to be one of the most powerful in the show, as it gave a haunting background into what it means to be one of God's Guardian Angels. The weight of all that knowledge and watching as man developed into the creature he has become today was never carried lightly by the Angels, or the importance that the role man was to have in the journey of the soul and what this meant in the development of the universe.
Angels have become part of our modern culture, embedded in our consciousness as spiritual beings that are there to look after us and stand watch over us day and night. Over time we have begun to take them for granted.
Our modern Angels have become a bit kitsch, a bit too friendly. In the Bible Angels do not actually feature that much, it was in later writing that Angels appeared, most notably in Antiquity when the second-century Bishop of Antioch, Ignatius of Antioch, wrote in his letter to the Trallians, mentioning Angels. While on his way from Antioch to his execution and martyrdom in Rome, the Bishop warns in his letter against false teaching and he urges a duty of unity, but he also gives a listing of Angels similar to those later proposed by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, in the sixth century in his 'De Coelesti Hierarchia' [On the Celestial Hierarchy]. He proposes that there are three 'levels' [sphere] of Angels, and inside of each there are three orders of Angels.
Angels Galore in The Middle Ages...
When the Dark Ages pass and the Earth moves into the Medieval Middle Ages, Catholicism, Judaism, and the Angels of Islam, all add into the mix, creating a rich symbolism across the world of Angel Lore. The Protestants and the Reformation do not entirely banish the Angels when Oliver Cromwell takes Parliament in England anymore than they disappear on the continent, and gradually over time, the Angels appear again, stronger than ever before in the era of Victorian Industrialisation in the Latter Day Saint Movement, with their church established in 1830. From here they set out their own credo, based on their own Angelic visitations.
But with wealth came more birth, and the Victorians although increasing the population, suffered much death, as medical knowledge could not keep up with the need of humanity, often living in appalling conditions. This was reflected across the world in wealthy countries; as the population grew, so did the death rate. A cult of death seemed to surround the Victorians, as they tried to find ways to cope with so much loss. Elaborate mourning practises developed; succesive colours for mourning widows to wear for instance, from black to grey, to lavender...over years, until it was deemed polite and seemly to wear colours in society again.
The cemeteries filled up, with decorative and impressive memorials, but nothing brought the dead back. As the first World War ripped the confidence and heart out of nations, Angels started to appear with more frequency in the graveyards, in the engravings in books, in paintings on the walls. The mortality rate of soldiers was so catastrophic it engendered a deeper interest in Spiritualism, where it was hoped you could see or speak to your loved one again, from the other side. The table rappers and trance-led seances boomed in front room parlors, as did the early art of spirit photography. A guide was often needed, or provided. Sometimes this took the form of an Angel.
Whether any of it was really helpful or true is debateable, but it did welcome back the possibility of exploring the Divine, on a personal level. The second World War took a similar toll, with death a constant presence. It is no wonder that humankind sought what comfort it could in ways that conventional faith could not provide.
Peace and Love, Angels from Above..
During a time of relative peace up until the present day, our Angels seemed to appear on everything; greetings cards, prints, clothing, christmas decorations, record covers, statues, soft toys, jewellery, and of course, they are still found in the cemetery on memorials. Angel Lore was everywhere, in books, on the television, in films, in tarot cards and oracles. The Angel became friendly.
But now, moving forward to the present day and the so-called modern era, we are again searching for different answers. Despite our leaps forward in technology many seem to be more lonely than ever, despite all the opportunities that social media can offer. It is not real-life interaction, the pleasure of actually being with someone, experiencing that unique ebb and flow of conversation that only being present with somebody else can provide. Some would say that our lives have become soulless, where faith has been tested in many parts of the world.
We like the idea of a Guardian Angel, with us from birth to death, looking after us. But in making them friendly and approachable I wonder if we do not listen to what they really have to say anymore, because we are not really listening, we do not take them seriously. But as these recent decades have passed in the twenty-first century and we find that the world has become once more divided and war-torn it might be time to listen to what they have to say about our future..really listen, as Castiel tells Dean at one point in the series.
It is a rare event if an Angel does intercede on earth and in the daily lives of humans. But many believe that they do, or have felt their presence. Despite all our modern technology we still call on them in our darkest hours, needing something all-powerful that might make things right, which takes us neatly back to Dean in the show who was trapped in Hell and in torment. Unbeknown to him somebody heard him and decided that Dean Winchester the Righteous Man was to be saved.
Cleverly, the writers of the show have provided the viewers with a retrospective solution here as we are only shown what Dean remembers at this point, which is his physical scramble to get out of Hell and the coffin in the ground. Dean thinks at first that it is still Demon's who are pursuing him when he reaches the light of day. All is in chaos and all he can think of is to find safety and his way back to his family. Eventually he does...but they take some convincing as he has been gone a while...
Castiel's first appearance to Dean does not entirely convince Dean that he is "An Angel of The Lord" let alone that there is more to this world than what he sees or knows or has believed up until now. But he should do...his family business is hunting monsters after all. If they exist, then so do other things..
Castiel's first appearance must rank as one of the most classic entrances on a show in television history. Misha Collins, the actor who plays him, managed to keep himself steady and with just the right amount of gravitas as sparks were literally going off all around him as he walks towards Dean, despite all the warding spells painted on the barn walls that would have seen off anything else. When that fails more physical solutions are employed but the Angel is impervious to bullets and stab wounds.
Eventually, Dean has no option but to listen to Castiel, and what he has to say. Castiel shows Dean a part of the past before he was born that lets him see the relationship between his mother and father. This becomes terribly sad as it shows the pact she made with a powerful Demon to save Dean's father's life, and from this point in history Dean sees events play out right up until his own brother's birth, which was what the Demon was manipulating events for in the first place. His brother Sam was to have a role to play in the future that Dean finds difficult to come to terms with. Castiel explains to Dean that all of this was to prepare the way for Lucifer's return, when all the seals are opened, which must be prevented at all costs.
The show of Supernatural is asking us to consider the bigger picture and scope of history and the development of the universe. The forces of good and evil are always fluctuating, and nothing ever stays constant and neither are our perceptions of these entities, where there are often overlaps of loyalties, which are sometimes engineered for the greater good, or for the greater evil, depending on your point of view.
At this point in our world's history the deep unrest around the world would point to these manipulations beginning again, and it has always been so; the history of humankind has this destiny of destruction but also cycles of peace.
If all is destiny, then what is the point of doing anything? Castiel shows Dean that although destiny cannot be changed, "good things do happen" as well, within this maelstrom of creation, life and death. Nothing would have changed what happened with Dean's family or its origins, but what might come of it might be just as important for future events.
The Eternal Conundrum...
I found myself musing on this, as the creators of the show wanted us to. These themes are often on my mind as I research the ideas and expand on my own knowledge and thoughts for my own work in poetry and photography. The crucial thing to understand here is that even though world events and even your own life at times might appear hopeless, everybody has a part to play in this world that makes up the greater whole. Nothing is ever static, and whatever forces are in the ascendancy it will inevitably change, because creation and its constant need to 'balance the books' does not stop.
Within our own lives we can make small differences. There is such a thing as influence, power contained in our will. But the point that must be remembered is how and what you use it for. Everything has consequences. It is a scary thing, to realise that nothing stays the same, that the concept of 'good' may not always prevail. But it has to be accepted that 'evil' does not last either. What you do to hurry either of these forces along will notch up on your personal tally, and whether you can accept the results on your conscience for evermore.
Are these forces of good and evil a mechanism for the universe to keep on evolving? Is it necessary for the spiritual growth of humankind and other sentient beings? Sometimes our Gods seem cruel, and we blame them for letting terrible things happen to innocent people. But let us not forget that word "choice". Choice is something we can decide on, even if it is difficult. Mankind has a choice in how it behaves. The most difficult thing is sometimes choosing to stop what you are doing and accept the consequences that might ripple down the centuries to come.
Part of being human is the acceptance that our faith and beliefs are bound up in worlds that we cannot always see, and in Gods, Angels and Demons that we have given certain characteristics to so we can empathise with them to be more comfortable or even blame when matters turn out badly. These entities may not look how we imagine at all, but are more than capable of presenting themselves in a way that they want you to see. But let us not forget those who are happier in not believing in anything at all, as this makes their lives much simpler, just to exist. I wonder how much energy is expired in ignoring everything around you, even in desperate times, which I can only imagine as being exhausting, but of course, this is just my personal viewpoint.
The Otherworld however, is far more complex than we know. It is my belief that we still have so much to discover about our afterlife or spiritual existence and I am convinced that it is as messy and chaotic as our own mortal world. I think we have to keep exploring, seeking answers. Sometimes we might receive some insights and sometimes we will not. The outcome keeps evolving as the universe does, and will continue to do so, when our small part to play on this earth is over. The longer picture evolves into something else, but will retain a memory of humankind. Perhaps our souls journey on until it all starts again...
Can Angels Intercede? When we ask, are they listening?
In our darkest moments can Angels hear us if we call them? Perhaps, if it fits in with how this world is evolving. Fate seems to have a script all of its own that is a mystery to mere mortals. But sometimes, the Angels do step in to avoid a disaster.
In my own life there has been some occasions where an accident was averted, by a warning or an intervention of some kind. I am sure readers of this Blog will have similar stories that defy logic. One memorable event in my life involved a 'person', which was in appearance a large 'shadow' shape of a man; I just knew instinctively it was a 'man', or male at least, that appeared without warning in my garden in front of me one afternoon. This happened over twenty years ago.
The atmosphere around the 'man' seemed warped somehow, the view of my garden around it was distorted. The suddeness of its appearance scared the living daylights out of me, yet I did not feel personally threatened, the opposite in fact. I felt it knew me.
The power it exuded was transfixing, and I couldn't move, but all I felt was an emotion of such care that it was overwhelming. The intensity built and I felt it was trying to warn me of something. Once this message was conveyed it suddenly disappeared. The stillness in the garden was eerie.
By now I realised that I was late to pick my partner up from work. I got myself together as best I could and got in my car with our dog as we were going to take him for a walk when I had picked my partner up.
And yes, you guessed it, an accident was averted. Because I was so shaken up by the appearance and warning conveyed by this entity in my garden I drove very slowly...but suddenly from the side pavement two balloons filled with water hit my front windscreen, totally obscuring my view. I braked to a halt, narrowly avoiding other cars. I got out and watched two lads run off down the street, after what might have been a lethal prank. If I had been going any faster, it would have been, perhaps injuring me, and my beloved dog and maybe other people.
The entity I saw that day did not have wings, but to me he was an Angel. It would seem that there are events that happen that no-one can stop, for whatever reason. The two boys were going to do their prank and the reasons for that will remain unknown. Perhaps they had something to learn later. But for me, I was not meant to come to harm...or my dog.
I drove on, after clearing the windscreen of washing-up liquid and suds. My partner was getting concerned..don't forget this was before cell phones. But we went for our walk, and I treasured that afternoon, walking over the South Downs with our terrier.
This world, and the otherworld, is so much more complex than we know. But sometimes "good things do happen" as Castiel tells Dean.
As for "Cas" as he is affectionately becoming known, we enjoyed seeing how his journey fitted in with the Winchesters, as he obviously knew his duties were going to be bound up with the brothers. But of all the creatures he has known in his long life, dealing with humans tested his patience...as that pesky thing called choice was utilised far too often for his liking!
But Angels know that disasters will and do happen; part of their job is to set things onto the right course again; human's have a tendency to go 'off script' as they say, and then what happens next is unknown...or is it?
It could be argued that in this present time Angels are learning and evolving just as humans are, but the relationship between us can be fractious, violent and unforgiving. There is no denying that Angels still seem to be concerned for our welfare, something that is part of their own physiology, genetically disposed from the beginning of time.
I find it fascinating that the world of 'Supernatural' in the show is exploring the concept that the Angel realm is just as complex as our human existence on earth. There has been Angel Lore from the Middle Ages to the effect that there was a hierarchy in the way Angels are considered; Medieval scholars expended a lot of mental acumen in imagining all the different ranks that they could add to the canon of the Angel Realm. So it is not too far a leap to imagine that the Angels have their own arguments amongst those ranks just as we have in our own societies. After all, what does an Angel do all day, when they are not looking after us? But maybe in their constant vigilance there is no time for relaxation...
And let's not forget Lucifer, the brightest, the most beautiful fallen Angel...it would seem that there were rebels in the ranks. Perhaps all is not perfect in paradise all the time. Does being involved in the life of humans cloud your judgment if you are an Angel? Something makes me think Castiel might have a few thoughts of his own that might prove dangerous. So then do we push this further and consider the fact that God might be too authoritarian, a rigid, judgemental Divinity? Or are they just trying to do a job like the rest of us and having the occasional bad day. The show explores these ideas in novel ways that set your mind racing...
At this point we reached Season Ten, and we are in deep waters now as we race to the finish line. The many twists and turns have seen the introduction of many new characters, not least the King of Hell, Crowley...which must be a reference to the most notorious English magician and occultist of the twentieth century, Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley was was a prolific writer, publishing widely over the course of his life. He was a disturbing, enigmatic man, exploring the world of the occult within which he took risks that many would not even consider, to achieve his goals. His lifestyle and practices were denounced on many an occasion, but it certainly kept the newspapers in business. He remains a notorious figure in the history of the occult and there is an abundance of literature written about Aleister Crowley which any internet search would oblige with information. My advice would be to tread with care.
If I am correct, using Crowley's name for the King of Hell's character in Supernatural is just another example of grounding the show in popular beliefs of the occult, the otherworld and the never-ending collected lore of 'things we cannot explain' that get filed away in the paranormal section of the library. But it has the brilliant effect of then feeling familiar, a nod to those 'in the know'.
Secret Societies never die out - they evolve...
Along with Crowley, we have met other power crazed Demons, and many creatures that defy explanation on the show. We have seen Angels fall and become human, bargains struck with Vampires and made the aquaintance of the Knights of Hell. We have had Castiel losing his grace when we really do not need him to and Death becomes someone you can actually have an intelligent conversation with. Not to mention that while all this was going on Sam and Dean find out that their ancestry links them to the "Men of Letters" and they end up living in this fabulous 1930's inspired bunker, warded from Demons.
Much to my delight they discover that there used to be other groups of "Men of Letters" and in other countries. The one in Britain is still operative, and while that is like a two-edged sword it does bring them some allies who play their part later on. The bunker is filled with books, vintage furniture and lighting and Dean is delighted to have somewhere he can call 'home' at last. The "Men of Letters" reminded me of the prolific secret societies that sprung up during the Eighteenth Century and again quite intensely during and in-between the World Wars. There was this great fascination with the occult and the afore mentioned spiritualism that spawned many groups that looked after their own interests.
Many societies have evolved into something else as time moved on, or became a branch of The Freemasons, still active in many parts of the world. The Freemasons have worked to show a more friendly public face in our modern era, but their inner workings are still fiercely protected.
The whole world and the universe has become a battleground in this show by now, and when the Old Testament then throws in a reminder of just how deeply ugly things can get with the curse of Cain and Abel revisited on the Winchester brothers, things become very intense indeed.
However, to bring this Blog back to the subject of Castiel the Angel, now that Cas has lived amongst humans, lost his 'grace' and become human and learnt what having feelings is like, we now see him 'wearing his heart on his sleeve' as the old saying goes in this story arc. In some scenes it is almost painful to watch as those feelings track across his face, as he has not yet learnt to control those expressions as humans can. Essentially we have always considered Angels as being honest and entities that care, exuding love that is embedded in their nature. In this Castiel has remained true to his core being in that he cannot cover those feelings up and hide them from the brothers.
For Misha Collins to play this character as a grown mature man who was once an Angel but then became just a human as a form of punishment from the heaven that he loves after making some dire mistakes, it is a sad experience. We want him back as an Angel, such is the totally believable performance of Misha in this role, that we miss him as an Angel that we grew to love.
Castiel does recover his 'grace' and takes on the mantle of being an Angel again, but it has left him with the knowledge of the unbearable feelings of loss, love and loneliness that he still finds difficult to hide. Although we welcome him back as an Angel and his proper form, it is a refreshing reminder that we have witnessed exactly what we as humans should be sharing with each other more.
"I cared about the whole world, because of you.."
It takes courage to show such raw emotion like this for an Angel, and this is a massive learning curve, especially for Dean, who has to get used to a 'different' Castiel. Although Castiel cares about the whole world, the deepest feelings he has are for Dean and Sam, and their extended family. Cas becomes part of that family, and I think Sam just accepts Castiel completely as he is; Sam has no problems showing affection for him or anybody he loves, whereas Dean holds these feelings inside a lot more.
When the brothers lost their father, Dean as the elder brother took on the role as a father figure for his younger brother, and it has never left him; he always feels responsible for Sam. Consequently Dean finds it very difficult to let his guard down.
The burden of always being strong as taken its toll on Dean and the moments of affection that he shows his family are rare. But there is no doubting that it is there, because Dean's family is his reason for living. If he shows any affection for anybody, in his own way it does become Castiel that he shows it to, as often, he knows he does not have to voice it; he knows Castiel knows and understands him. Castiel shows Dean what devotion means and paradoxically Dean finds he cannot ignore it, because he knows Castiel's whole being is a marker for truth.
The Angel shows Dean what love is, and that for him it will never change whatever happens. Dean shows Castiel what belonging means, what the ties of family and love can do, how enduring that can be, even when it is difficult if your family lets you down. For Dean, family is family, and more important than anything.
The conflicts of emotion that Castiel feels alongside his duties as an Angel are often the cause of actions that sometimes set in motion the sequence of events that have led to tragedy, albeit on a cosmic scale! A neat parallel with the lesser but not necessarily less destructive actions of humans, but this then throws up the question about whose decisions are the right ones?
As we continued on to the end of the show and the finish line I realised that ultimately this whole series had become a lesson in forgiveness, on all levels of existence, and the characters of the show explore this and how it changes them and how they interact with each other.
In some strange and wonderful alchemy Misha Collins has manged to create an Angel that we can admire, love and even want to protect and feel compassion for when he becomes vulnerable himself. We feel empathy for him when he is trying to negotiate his way through the feelings that are nearly overwhelming him as he tries to fulfil his duties as an Angel and continue to protect those he loves that are in his charge.
Is love more enduring than hate or revenge? These eternal questions are explored in the show and ultimately as viewers we care what happens to all of them, which is a testament to the actors and the whole production team of the show. We also discover that in and on all planes of existence it matters what you do, this is something that we can take away from the show and remember as we go about our daily lives.
The ending of the show after fifteen series left some people who had been long-term fans with conflicted feelings as I understand it. I am not going to reveal the details of the ending, as that is best seen for yourself. But for me personally, it made sense, because if we learn anything at all on this earth it is that we must expect the unexpected. Therefore we must make the most of what we have, and love the ones we care deeply for, and show them how we love them.
Thank you to everyone who made this show possible. I know that I will rewatch this show again. This boxed set has become a treasure in many ways, not least for the wisdom it contains. And I suspect that with repeated viewings that wisdom will become even more apparent as time, if we let it, can be a great teacher.
All screenshots were made by me from my boxed set of DVD's.
All images of the Boxed Set of Supernatural and items in those photo-shoots belong to myself.
All thoughts expressed in the Blog are my own.
All copyrights belong to Warner Brothers.
This is a non-profit Blog, for entertainment, and some enlightenment only.
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